This workshop introduces participants to the water marbling technique, allowing participants to experiment with a Turkish tradition that has been passed along several generations.
In this two-day workshop you will learn a miniature of the technique of band weaving, which was used by traditional bedouin women.
ONExUNICEF Humanitarian Change-maker Labs discuss their journey with participants who have produced distinguished product designs around themes of social change and innovation for good.
Sharek Bitbarek is an initiative seeking to redesign the way we consume, interact with and waste food.
The GJU Alumni Association presents a five-day exhibition showcasing projects, art pieces, and showreels for several graduates from the Department of Architecture and Visual Communication.
Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system. It uses the waste produced by our aquatic life to supply the nutrients to grow plants.
Weaving expert Esna Su will share her weaving skills, which her “The Refugee” collection was centered around.
In 2019, Turquoise Mountain established a jewellery workshop to provide a space for those who wish to pursue a career in silversmithing.