Nissreen Haram shares her experiences in preserving and protecting artisanal practices in cheese-making, working with the treasured Awassi sheep in Jordan, and shedding light on the urban practice
As a celebration of the 100th anniversary of Bauhaus, School of Architecture and Built Environment - GJU, hosts a photography exhibition at Dialogpunkt / The German Lounge, organized by the Goethe-
Believing in the inherent potential and capability of every student; Ahliyyah&Mutran’s “Endless Horizons” exhibition will offer the audience a chance to witness the innovation and creativity of
This panel discussion will highlight the importance of incorporating design and innovation in education to prepare our upcoming generations for the 4th industrial revolution.
This two-day workshop is on a new genre of Islamic patterns, developed by Professor Mohammad Yaghan and published in a book under the same title.
Join us to experience the art of the traditional weaving technique, “coiling”, explored in a contemporary sense using non-traditional materials.
Turquoise Mountain will host, in its space in Jabal Amman, two (identical) two-day workshops for children ages 10 to 13 years old on stone mosaic making and geometric pattern drawing.
abno will open its doors inviting audiences to their design studio in one of the oldest buildings in Jabal Al Lweibdeh, which has been the base for abno since 2011.
Participants are invited to join a mosaic workshop with an expert in the craft to create their own artwork.This workshop is open to participants with special needs.
This workshop introduces participants to the water marbling technique, allowing participants to experiment with a Turkish tradition that has been passed along several generations.
In this two-day workshop you will learn a miniature of the technique of band weaving, which was used by traditional bedouin women.