About the Workshop
For beginners and novices in 3D printing and 3D modeling, this interactive workshop is an introduction to the basic key concepts that build the foundation for innovation with 3d printing.
Bi-lingual/ Free / Seats are limited.
About Faisal Nemri
Faisal Nemri is a 3D printing hobbyist and Maker, who currently works as the Mixed Dimensions Marketing researcher for both its products MakePrintable and GamePrint. Faisal has mastered 3D printing technology, and continuously and rigorously tests different technologies to the point of breakage and reassembly.
- Website: www.mxd3d.com
- Facebook: MixedDimensions
- Instagram: @mixeddimensions
- Twitter: @MXD3D

Faisal Nemri - Mixed Dimensions
Jordan Museum - MakerSpace
Ras El Ain