Designed by Uraiqat Architects, 'X3' initiates a conversation between the image of the user in its reflective surfaces and the backdrop of the urban buildings and surrounding environment.
This conversation is a dialogue between the self and the other that is born from the monologue between the I and the self, the object and image, the vision and perception. It invites a questioning of relationships and connections, and shakes the ground underneath the given notions of separations and disconnections. It blurs boundaries between spatial fields and erases borders of the tangible.

When faced with dancing fragments of self-image and transforming colors of skies and buildings, the user is challenged to play, move and perform the dance of questioning. A choreography that results in the deconstruction and reconstruction of identities, and a de-territorialization and reterritorialization of individual and collective space. ‘X3’ is a solid gone fluid, a structure gone rogue, a similarity gone different, a singularity gone multiple. It is an object disseminated through space, and society disseminated through movement.

Uraiqat Architects is an architectural and interior design consulting firm that comprises of a team of highly skilled contemporary designers and experienced engineers. The firm works in conjunction with Atelier Uraiqat, an experimental design lab that works on the limits of design, architecture, and art. Including a variety of projects and products that range from sculpture to furniture, concept design and theoretical research. The team’s work experience combines a wide range of project types and scales including commercial, retail, residential and cultural, in addition to a multidisciplinary studio that integrates its diverse knowledge and expertise to produce top-of-the-line object designs that integrate design, technology and material knowledge.
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