fbpx A Path of Synergy: Rawan Kakish and Hamad Al Sultan | Amman Design Week
Written by Lena Kassicieh on Wednesday, September 20, 2017
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Rawan Kakish Hamad Al Sultan 2

Rawan Kakish and Hamad Sultan's 'A Path of Synergy' integrates computational processes and digital techniques for data collection of human movements, which are reflected through the change of light and motion intensities of butterfly-like components.

The designers researched butterfly movement patterns, analyzing the movement of their wings and their flying behaviors and sequences. The piece is composed of two main parts: the body and the wings. The former houses the electronic parts, including sensors, servo-motors, a Arduino micro-controller and LED light. The latter is connected to the body, and is activated by the servomotors through the collected data of distances from the sensors. The activation takes the form of changing and controlling the intensity of both the LED light and the rotation of the wings, which are both performed simultaneously. This component is aggregated on a hyperbolic paraboloid structure and distributed in a distinctive pattern.

Rawan Kakish is an architect and visual artist. She has undertaken various projects in architecture, and has participated in local and international workshops and art exhibitions. Kakish's last exhibition entitled "Testimony of Presence" was held at Nabad Gallery in 2013. She also held the position of Senior Architect / Designer at PACE - Kuwait. 

Hamad Sultan is a graduate of the College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture at the University of Arizona. Sultan worked in JACOBS London then also joined PACE as an architect / designer, where he and Kakish participated jointly on several design competitions and the most recent design of the New Jazeera Terminal in Kuwait International Airport.  

IG: @Kakishr