Design as Connector
Using the example of the redesign of the Canadian and Indigenous galleries at the National Gallery of Canada, this talk by Junia Elli Jorgji shares lessons about how design can be used for inclusiv
MIT, Future Heritage Lab and Amman Design Week would like to invite you for an exchange of ideas on design, ethics and scarcity over dinner on Wednesday, the 25th of July at the terrace of Amman De
Interested in applying for the Food and Agritech maker residency and to showcase your idea at Amman Design Week 2019?
Curating Fashion Exhibitions
Donna Loveday will be holding a public talk where she will provide an introduction to curating contemporary design with a special focus on curating fashion.
Shifting Public Spaces - A Curator's Perspective
Noor Al-Dabbagh will be holding a public talk where she will be highlighting the role a curator and creatives can play in creating a public conversation in a changing social context, and offers a