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On 11 October, the Placemaking: Reimagining Public Space in Amman talk will announce the winner of the Amman Design Week 2017 Urban Park Competition. The judging panel – which includes Eng. Seham Ahmad Ali Al Hadidi, Eng. Lara Zureikat, Eng. Leen Fakhoury, Mohammed Zakaria, and Eng. Nemeh Katanani – have shortlisted 11 participants out of 28 total applicants.
The 11 shortlisted applicants are:
Joud Khasawneh

Synergy Designs

Dana Halaseh - LDDH Studio

Atelier Bo

Sanabel Landscape Design and Services

Khammash Architects

Khawthar Al Rayyan



Tasneem Rashdan

Al Jidar Architects

Held at Zain Cultural Plaza at Al Hussein Cultural Center, a representative from Bank al Etihad will be presenting the final winning proposal.